"Where am I?"

Please do not be alarmed. I'm Kat, and you've found my personal website. It's a good thing too, because this page is home to all my projects and creations. Whether you meant to end up here or not, I do hope you stick around to see what this site has to offer. Feel free to click some links and visit some pages; you might be surprised what you find. :)

Still confused? Try the "info" link for a more thorough explanation. This is, after all, a lot to take in at once.

2023.09.05 / Writing

I've added a writing page to the site. It's a little bit sparse at the moment, but I've uploaded a story for people to read. Of course, more is on the way, and I hope to have it full of material in due time.

Asleep On The Killing Floor (2022)

Asleep On The Killing Floor album art
mp3 | flac

Made in the dark, on a bare mattress, surrounded by beer cans and broken glass.